Manufacture of Single Crystal Silicon



The method of obtaining single crystal Si for VLSI fabrication involves several steps:


1.      Raw materials (e.g. quartzite, a type of sand), is refined by a complex, multistage process which produces electronic grade polysilicon (EGS).


2.      This polysilicon is used to grow single crystal silicon by Czochralski (CZ) crystal growth or float zone(FZ) growth.


Electronic-Grade Silicon


Electronic-grade silicon (EGS), a polycrystalline material of high purity, is the raw material for the preparation of single-crystal silicon. To obtain EGS requires a multi step process. [2]


1.      First, metallurgical-grade silicon (MGS) with purity up to 99% is produced in a submerged-electrode arc furnace. The furnace is charged with quartzite, a relatively pure form of sand, and carbon in the form of coal, coke, and wood chips. In the furnace a number of reactions take place, the overall reaction being


SiC + SiO2 ® Si(liquid) + SiO(gas) + CO (gas)


2.      The next process step is to pulverize the MGS mechanically and react it with anhydrous hydrogen chloride to form trichlorosilane (SiHCl3) according to the reaction:


Si(solid) + 3HCl(gas) ® SiHCl3 (gas) + H2 (gas) + heat


At this point the purification process occurs. Trichlorosilane(TCS) is a liquid at room temperature (boiling point 32ºC), as are many of the unwanted chlorides. Purification is therefore done by fractional distillation.


3.      EGS must have 99.999999999 % purity. EGS is prepared from the purified TCS in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. The chemical reaction is a hydrogen reduction of trichlorosilane(TCS).


2SiHCl3(gas) + 2H2(gas) ® 2Si(solid) + 6HCl(gas)


An alternate process for the production of EGS that is starting to receive commercial attention is the pyrolysis of silane. The overall reaction is


              SiH4(gas) + heat ® Si(solid) + 2H2(gas)


The advantages of producing EGS from silane are potentially lower cost and less harmful byproducts.